Learn all about the classification of industry in this article

Any firm that produces a good or a service will belong to a particular type of business sector. Discover several interesting illustrations below.

The financial services field is a very significant one in any economy, and is typically labeled as belonging to the tertiary sector. The services and goods offered by companies in the financial field will of course fluctuate from country to country, but at large they will feature the central bank, private banks, mortgage banks, insurance and pension funds amidst some others. These assorted financial institutions offer all sorts of services to its customers, but one common denominator in all these kinds of services is that they deal with money in one shape or another. Banks, like La Caixa and Banco of East China, make up a big proportion of the financial sector in any country. The foremost function of any bank is to lend money and keep money of its customers.

Robotics is a fairly young industry, but it's one of the fastest developing types of industry too. Robotics is also a really fun field, with lots of experts doing work side by side to develop technology that can help us live better lives. Robots are a kind of a machine that have some autonomous capabilities, meaning they don't need any external control to function. The kinds of robots vary extensively, from very easy machines that are programmed to do very easy and recurring tasks, to the most sophisticated ones that can self-learn and improve. Artificial intelligence, or AI, is the term most often associated with robotics. Artificial intelligence, exhibited by machines, is frequently put into contrast with natural intelligence, which is shown by humans. Specialists from such varied areas as engineering, genetics, IT and psychology all come together to work on various AI projects. There are a lot of private businesses that fund such projects, like Tecent and Nvidia for example.

The forestry industry, or as it is occasionally known the wood sector may not be as big as it once was, but it's still a major component of the economy in a lot of places. Businesses, which are typically private, are involved in such exercises as logging, timber trade and the manufacture of forest products. Some cases of businesses included in the forestry field include Weyerhaeuser and Louisiana-Pacific. Another big element of this industry is silviculture, which is primarily concerned about forest plants. Whilst silviculture is not directly related to extraction of wood, it's still grouped in the same field. This sector can be categorized as belonging to the primary sector as it shows features of primary sector, the extraction of raw materials, in this case being the wood, that can then be utilised in the production of a different product.

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